Do we really live in a democracy or has police state tactics ruled the day? I wouldn’t have put my query quite so harshly if the National Rifle Association (NRA), with its ruthless tactics and uncompromising political stance, wasn’t so blatant and obvious that when it came to gun control legislation, as far as they are concerned, no compromise should be made. For to make compromise, some of the control the NRA has over gun legislation would have to be forfeited.
In my book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, I talk about the importance of integrity that all politicians should have if they’re going to serve the public well. In writing the Constitution, the Founding Fathers believed that each citizen, politician and non-politician alike, be people of integrity. That simply means in order for a country to operate optimally and serve all the people as the Constitution intended them to be served,
Clearly, using political sequestration as a political maneuver to stimulate political compromise would definitely be contrary to what our Founding Fathers would have envisioned as to how political parties should try to resolve differences. That’s because doing that runs contrary to their concept of ‘public virtue’ which was one of the four Freedom Foundations that the writing of our Constitution was founded upon. Public virtue speaks to the need a democratic republic has for its members to voluntarily sacrifice personal benefit for something greater than themselves.