Empathy is absolutely essential if you value the human spirit and all of humankind. In fact, without it, it’s impossible to experience that oneness that every religion teaches is the universal reality that contains all life and God and the infinity of space. Empathy is that capacity to experience our connection with each other and all living beings. Empathy is the sentient equivalent of gravity: it’s what binds us together. Any movement concerned with human rights, the health of the planet,
The other day, I was practicing the piano and stopped to reflect on what I had played. At the same time, I looked out the window and watched a middle-aged woman, Nancy, walking an obviously older companion, a dog, Sage, who was walking ahead of Nancy at a much slower gait than what, I’m sure, she was used to walking. I was so impressed with what I observed that I ran out the door and caught up with the two companions and told Nancy how moved I was that she was so sensitive to her dog’s needs that she slowed down her normal walking speed to accommodate her friend’s older age.