Yes, of course I’m talking about the circus of politics that was the presidential election we just had. On November 10, 2016, Carolyn Gregoire, senior writer for The Huffington Post,, wrote an article entitled Your Post-Election Pain Is Real Grief. She states, “For more than half the nation and much of the world, we are in a period of mourning. After waking up to President-elect Donald J. Trump—what many can only describe as a nightmare—Americans face emotionally charged weeks and months ahead.”
She also states,
After reading this lovely piece in the aftermath of the triumph of hatred and vapidity in the US election, we invited Kay Burch to offer it for this week’s post in Political Straight Talk. After all, sometimes the only thing to do is look for the biggest of big pictures.
Nobel laureate physicist Frank Wilczek has published a book-length meditation on a fascinating concept: Is beauty the driving force of the natural world?
In my book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, I talk about the importance of integrity that all politicians should have if they’re going to serve the public well. In writing the Constitution, the Founding Fathers believed that each citizen, politician and non-politician alike, be people of integrity. That simply means in order for a country to operate optimally and serve all the people as the Constitution intended them to be served,