Empathy is absolutely essential if you value the human spirit and all of humankind. In fact, without it, it’s impossible to experience that oneness that every religion teaches is the universal reality that contains all life and God and the infinity of space. Empathy is that capacity to experience our connection with each other and all living beings. Empathy is the sentient equivalent of gravity: it’s what binds us together. Any movement concerned with human rights, the health of the planet,
Yes indeed, it would appear President Trump will do anything to be perceived as a winner, even if it’s done at somebody else’s expense. Being president of our beloved country may possibly represent the epitome of what he believes winning is all about, and in his thinking, “It doesn’t get any better than that.” He can’t seem to do anything other than reaching for the gold medal and winning at all costs. Being president of the most powerful nation in the world certainly complies.
As I mentioned earlier, there wasn’t room in the last blog to fully answer the question I set out to answer then, which was: “How are we going to begin to protect our lives, forests and homes from fires set by terrorism?” I hope to share with you what I believe will be necessary to begin to address the problem.
On my last blog I talked about how polarized our country has gotten.
On May 29, 2013, Colin Fletcher, writer for the examiner.com website, wrote an article entitled: Gov. Christie performed his job with class and dignity. Fletcher was impressed with Gov. Christie’s cordiality towards Pres. Obama when he revisited the Jersey shore again, when, seven months ago Super-storm Sandy severely punished the famous coastline.
The question is whether or not Governor Christie’s warmth and geniality is the real thing and represents a prototype of things to come in the world of politics whereby the chasm between the Democrats and the Republicans disappears,
In my book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, I talk about the importance of integrity that all politicians should have if they’re going to serve the public well. In writing the Constitution, the Founding Fathers believed that each citizen, politician and non-politician alike, be people of integrity. That simply means in order for a country to operate optimally and serve all the people as the Constitution intended them to be served,