I had just finished working out and was leaving the Senior Center, when I noticed a woman reading a Time magazine article. On its cover read, What Would Lincoln Have Done? I knew immediately what that title was referring to, which was the Congressional Gun Control Debate. That would have indeed been a good question to ask President Abraham Lincoln because within the answer to the question resides a moral imperative, and who better to answer such a question but Lincoln?
If you have been following my blogs with any regularity, you probably are wondering why I decided to write a blog on this subject rather than one related to my book, What Would Our Founding Fathers Say? Well, I decided to change course and write this blog because of what I see happening in our world of politics today.
As a country, we are getting way off course in what we should be focusing on as a nation.
I’m an 80-year-old man and have just written a psychologically based book entitled: What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way. One of the primary reasons I wrote the book was because for many years now, and with increasing frequency, our integrity as a nation has been severely abused. It has been battered by our politicians – our elected officials. Of late, they have shown their true, self-serving colors by aligning themselves to their political party,