“He is who he is,” Melania Trump told People Magazine earlier this year. “Even if you give him advice, he will maybe take it in, but then he will do it the way he wants to do it. You cannot change a person. Let them be. Let them be the way they are.”
Although I’m sure Melania meant her words to be an asset and compliment to her husband’s personality, I see the characteristics she describes as being a huge liability to his being the forty-fifth president of the United States.
A revolution in this country is not imminent. However, unless the gross injustices are not addressed, where there is more equality of opportunity among all social classes, in addition to fairer representation of various social classes in our Congress, or if not represented, at least their needs are being expressed and acted upon by our government, ultimately, a revolution of some dimension will result.
Although I recognize that currently, there are more pressing problems that Congress needs to address,
On May 29, 2013, Colin Fletcher, writer for the examiner.com website, wrote an article entitled: Gov. Christie performed his job with class and dignity. Fletcher was impressed with Gov. Christie’s cordiality towards Pres. Obama when he revisited the Jersey shore again, when, seven months ago Super-storm Sandy severely punished the famous coastline.
The question is whether or not Governor Christie’s warmth and geniality is the real thing and represents a prototype of things to come in the world of politics whereby the chasm between the Democrats and the Republicans disappears,
In my book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, I talk about the importance of integrity that all politicians should have if they’re going to serve the public well. In writing the Constitution, the Founding Fathers believed that each citizen, politician and non-politician alike, be people of integrity. That simply means in order for a country to operate optimally and serve all the people as the Constitution intended them to be served,
Last week I posted a blog about a Time magazine article regarding President Abraham Lincoln. I briefly glanced at the article a woman was reading at the YMCA Senior Center. I thought I knew the title and some of the content of the article based on my very cursory scanning of the article. Not only was the title incorrect, but the content was erroneous as well. Instead of the title being What Would Lincoln Have Done, the title was actually What Would Lincoln Do?
I had just finished working out and was leaving the Senior Center, when I noticed a woman reading a Time magazine article. On its cover read, What Would Lincoln Have Done? I knew immediately what that title was referring to, which was the Congressional Gun Control Debate. That would have indeed been a good question to ask President Abraham Lincoln because within the answer to the question resides a moral imperative, and who better to answer such a question but Lincoln?
On January 20, 2013, Alex Pappas, Political Reporter for THE DAILY CALLER blog website, began the blog by saying:
“With the effects of her brain injury apparent through her slow speech, former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords opened up the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on gun violence on Wednesday by saying, ‘Speaking is difficult but I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem.’”
Pappas reports that Rep. Giffords said,
As the title for this blog suggests, the essence of life is represented in the integrity of individuals. For, according to our Founding Fathers, they feel it is one of the most important virtue our country can have and it’s one of the foundations upon which our Constitution was written and our country was founded upon. John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and second president of the United States, said that without preserving our national integrity our democracy and republic will not survive,