Last week I posted a blog about a Time magazine article regarding President Abraham Lincoln. I briefly glanced at the article a woman was reading at the YMCA Senior Center. I thought I knew the title and some of the content of the article based on my very cursory scanning of the article. Not only was the title incorrect, but the content was erroneous as well. Instead of the title being What Would Lincoln Have Done, the title was actually What Would Lincoln Do?
I had just finished working out and was leaving the Senior Center, when I noticed a woman reading a Time magazine article. On its cover read, What Would Lincoln Have Done? I knew immediately what that title was referring to, which was the Congressional Gun Control Debate. That would have indeed been a good question to ask President Abraham Lincoln because within the answer to the question resides a moral imperative, and who better to answer such a question but Lincoln?
As the title for this blog suggests, the essence of life is represented in the integrity of individuals. For, according to our Founding Fathers, they feel it is one of the most important virtue our country can have and it’s one of the foundations upon which our Constitution was written and our country was founded upon. John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and second president of the United States, said that without preserving our national integrity our democracy and republic will not survive,
I’m an 80-year-old man and have just written a psychologically based book entitled: What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way. One of the primary reasons I wrote the book was because for many years now, and with increasing frequency, our integrity as a nation has been severely abused. It has been battered by our politicians – our elected officials. Of late, they have shown their true, self-serving colors by aligning themselves to their political party,
Another way of introducing my newly published psychologically based book, What Would the Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, is to briefly share with you my thinking on where we are as a country today and how we got there.
Prior to receiving my doctorate degree in clinical psychology, I served in Korea, during peace time, as detachment commander in the U.S. Medical Service Corps. Overseas service helped magnify my pride as an American and taught me to appreciate the uniqueness of the United States as a land of personal liberty based on laws written by and for its people.
As a way of introducing my newly published, psychologically based book to you, entitled: What Would the Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way, I’d like to share with you how I came to write this book. What was my motivation to do so.
I grew up during WW II. My father was too old to join the military, but, in his own way, he was very patriotic. He believed in supporting the war effort by buying war bonds and doing anything else to help defeat the Axis powers: Germany,