On August 19, 2012 I wrote a blog entitled: America is Under Attack by Terrorists Waging Economic Warfare by Fire. If you haven’t read the blog, I suggest you do so, since this blog is a continuation of what I discussed in the last one. In that blog I briefly discussed a video entitled Fire Wars. The video was made available by the Economic Warfare Institute at American Center for Democracy’s (ACD) website, www.acdemocracy.org.
The video involved a presentation made by William B. Scott, a Fellow at ACD’s Capitol Hill briefing on the Threat of Economic Warfare Against the United States. He gave a very credible video presentation and detailed discussion of how terrorists use fire as a “weapon of war.”
I promised in my next blog I would offer general suggestions what must be done to help rectify this very serious national problem and question: How are we going to begin to protect our lives, forests and homes from fires set by terrorism?
Although in Scott’s Fire Wars video, he made some very definitive and constructive suggestions how our government should deal with our country’s attacks by terrorists waging economic warfare by fire, the suggestions I make are psychological in nature and will be generated from having written my latest published book: What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way.
Since I’m a retired psychology professor and clinical psychologist, and recognize how making a psychological assessment on major political events and activities can help strengthen our country’s integrity, I welcome the opportunity to share my thinking with you.
Assuming for a moment that terrorist are indeed using “fire, as a weapon of war, “ here, in these United States, and that some of the fires in our forests are from fires set by terrorist, then we have a major problem in what we need to do to rectify the situation. I say that because there’s such a political division between the Republican and Democratic party that a “spirit of cooperation” is clearly lacking in our government today.
In my book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?, I discuss how, in a 2010 interview with National Journal, “Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was very clear in naming the ‘single most important thing’ he needed to accomplish in government in the coming years.’”
“Was it about ensuring liberty for all Americans? Was it about helping his constituents pursue happiness? No. According to McConnell, ‘The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.’”
Now that’s the real American spirit, isn’t it?
You might say what I quoted you was passé, because that was a quote that took place in 2010, a lot of things have happened since then, therefore, does that really reflect the division that exists in our country today? To that question I would say, the political waters remain as turbulent today as they did in 2010. Partisanship, brinkmanship and gridlock was part of the political fabric in 2010 and continues to be so here, in 2013.
As of August 24, 2013, with few exceptions, the 55 or more major forest fires are in far western states, all located tangentially to, or close to one another. The announcements of the fires came relatively close together, within the same day, or days, or a week or two of one another. Consistent with what Scott says in his Fire Wars video, it may suggest to you what it does to me, and that is at least some of the fires may be terrorist instigated.
Even if that’s not true, which, of course, I hope is not the case, as I suggested on my August 19th blog, our government must begin to be more proactive in their dealing with this problem, since it will require some extensive cogitation and planning to know what our feasible options are that are available to us in dealing with this most menacing of problems.
Because there wasn’t room in this blog to fully answer the question I set out to answer, which was: “How are we going to begin to protect our lives, forests and homes from fires set by terrorism?,” on my next blog I plan to share with you what I believe will be necessary to begin to address the problem inherent in the question raised; an answer I hope that makes sense to all Americans who inhabit this great country of ours.